Your 401k from Exercise
I love analogies. In fact, it’s something I think about every time I workout, especially when I’m riding my bike. I compare what I’m feeling to other experiences in life to help me work harder or longer or sometimes, even to start! Today, I was thinking about money and how to maximize earnings. And surely one of the best things about working full-time, are the retirement benefits that can be available. Our savings accounts are a big deal. And it’s that analogy that reminded me how a daily investment in exercise pays big dividends.
In case you’ve forgotten, here’s a short list of benefits and payoffs that occur EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU EXERCISE (in a very random, unorganized list):
Increased circulation of fat to working muscles to use for energy.
Increased strength in muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments and connective tissue.
Improved memory.
Increased neuromuscular connections that improve all movement patterns.
Improved myocardial function.
Increased regeneration of lung tissue.
Improved mental clarity, focus, creativity and relaxation.
Improved balance.
Increased endorphin release that decreases stress reactions, depression and anxiety.
Improved mood, patience and communication.
Improved digestion and nutrient absorption.
Improved metabolic responses to all movement.
Increased lymph system circulation.
Improved blood chemistry including insulin/sugar balances, cholesterol and inflammatory markers for arthritis.
Increased energy and sexual function.
Improved sleep patterns including deeper and longer REM sleep and decreased wakefulness.
Increased back and core strength and function that leads to improve stability in every joint.
Improved resistance to diseases like cancer, stroke, heart attack and diabetes.
Improved weight control even without dietary intervention.
Improved social interactions and relationships.
This is by no means an exhaustive list; who would have the time to read all of that?!?! But this is more than enough information to motivate even the least inclined mover among us. Feel free to share this list with your dear ones who need some encouragement to stay fit.