Jack on Jump Squats
I wish I could say that I've inspired my kids to be great athletes, to eat healthy food, to earn top grades, and that it's come naturally with very little effort.
The truth is, I feel like I fail more often than succeed on all accounts. Parenting makes a challenging "job" feel like a cake walk... I feel fatigue on most levels.
“Change will occur if the environment is nurtured..”
But then, suddenly, I start to see small choices being made in the right direction... a healthy food choice here, a volunteered workout there, an extra effort in school, and I'm encouraged. I'm inspired. And I'm not failing. He's not failing. He's growing. Just like our bodies change one workout, one day, one sleep, one meal at a time, my kid is reminding me not to give up. Change will occur if the environment is nurtured enough to allow for self-selected, encouraged growth. I hope you'll give your body, and maybe your kids, a chance to grow and get better. Here's Jack, proving his legs are stronger than mine.