Happy Holidays from KLivFit!
Have you been thinking about how you're going to get everything done before Christmas, and then afterwards, how you're going to keep going in the New Year? I sure have. That's why I'm writing this now, hoping to reach you before it gets too frenetic for all of us and we can move into January with some direction and peace.
I'd like to share a story about coaching with you.
You don’t have to search hard or deep to find people who want to coach you…coaches for your life, your marriage, your kid's education or sport, your health or your wealth. It’s a title and position designed to invoke comradery and support, with a little push.
Hiring a coach or a trainer is a little like admitting you don’t have the answers. For some people, that’s an easy acknowledgment. But for many of us, we want to be in control and in the know. We don't want to appear uninformed and helpless. And, in this instance, getting healthy isn't rocket science, right?
Several years ago I had started a new job as a program developer for a video company. I needed to improve my strength and skills in a new genre of moving. It was humbling to acknowledge I didn't know everything about fitness at this point, but I was savvy (or scared) enough to know I needed help. So I hired a coach. I remember telling him that I wanted to be leaner, move faster and more powerfully, and I didn't have all day to work on it. The day when I deadlifted more than my body weight, once, was a gratifying feeling and I was getting so strong! When I told my trainer that I was gaining inches and my clothes were tight, he was so proud! “This is what we’re after, right?” was his response.
me and my coach on video
Well, kinda. I definitely wanted to look stronger. What had not occurred to me was that to be stronger, I had to gain. (Duh) I needed to more muscle and inches in order to be more competitive and stronger. How could I not already know that?? Partly because I was already pretty strong and didn’t feel like gaining muscle was a necessity. But mostly, I actually hadn't drilled down exactly HOW I was going to get stronger, I just wanted it. Kinda like I was wishing for magic to happen while I just kept doing what I'd always done. I was after lean mass (anyone want to look "toned"??) alone but that rarely (never) happens without muscle mass increase. Changing shape means changing shape and when you're using exercise and nutrition (not just dieting or supplementing), your body will be better in every way even if that means adding muscle mass.
Everyone thought I looked more fit than before my training. My clothing did eventually fit again (even better) and my own workout quality greatly improved. However, that wasn't the biggest lesson I learned. I experienced a massive shift in my fitness because I did things differently than I had my entire career. I didn't just tweak my weight training or add a little more protein to my meals. I moved differently. I ate differently. I spent more energy improving instead of criticizing myself. I valued my workout time and looked forward to nourishing myself. My attitude about food and moving changed from a debit-credit exchange system, to a supportive and appreciative relationship. I was energetic and interested. I remember thinking to myself, "My metabolism is finally working for me!" I took a big turn. It was a defining time in my body and my career. And I could not have done it alone.
Well, that's not entirely true. I could have done it on my own, but I wasn't, I hadn't before and frankly, I would have run out of time if I had tried. Since I couldn't spend my time stumbling through the learning process alone, getting coached was 100% more effective and useful to me.
Mind you, I wasn’t starting from scratch, just like many of you are not novices in your fitness. I had been working in fitness for a long time, had a masters degree in exercise physiology and was teaching college classes on how to be a personal trainer. But I still needed help. Once I came to that conclusion, the actual training was completely manageable in my mind.
Hiring a coach to get healthier (eat "better", be leaner, compete more, be stronger, less obsessive, struggle less, etc. etc.) simply proves your can do it. It doesn't mean you're incompetent. It means your invested, actively finding a solution and intentional about how you get there. Maybe you're not even sure what you need but you know there's more for you. And that's the perfect place to start.
This is why I’m opening up a new 6 month program called K-Koaching in January. It’s small group coaching and online training for anyone wanting to upskill their habits, attitudes and behaviors around food and fitness. Like me, you could change on your own, but it's much better/faster/more effective to use my experience, resources and support. However, it does take some work and time commitment. It's not hard, but you'll have to make room in your current routine to do different things. All of the program is online so no matter where you live, you can join in! If you happen to live near me and want face to face time, that's available, too. There’s a lot of details to be explained, but for now, if your interest is peaked, simply direct message me and we’ll connect.
Thanks for reading, and sharing, if you think someone you know would like a coach! I hope to hear back from you before the new year, and even more, I hope we can work together!