Autumn & Awe
Here we are in the last few weeks of the second decade of this century. I hope that makes us all stop and think for a bit.
I love reflection. And autumn. It's the easiest time for us to look back, before the holidays get started in full force, but enough has happened that we can learn some lessons. This year has had a few for me! Which brings me to awe...2019 has been more than I'd hope, so here's few highlights and sneak peeks.
April 6, 2019 - La Bouillon, Omaha, NE
KLivFit has been a business for almost 6 years and this year, lots of things are different. Personal training had been a side gig for most of my career, but it evolved into my main income source, especially after my divorce.
We never know how life will turn us. And we certainly don't wish heartbreak on anyone or want it for ourselves. But, when life does throw us a twist, there is always a way through. This lesson is consistently in front of me with my clients...their stories are one of my favorite parts of training because I get to know them as a person, learn from their lives, and help them improve.
Exercise has always introduced me to my best friends, maybe because I've spent more time in the gym than anywhere else or because we are drawn to people with whom we share such an energetic interest. Either way, exercise connected Eric and I and after 4 years as his trainer, we decided we were strong enough to get married! :)
This year, we sold two houses, bought and renovated another and of course, moved the KLivFit training space. It's taken a lot of time and energy and we don't want to do it again, ever. But, we know that whatever moves come in the future, we can make the best of them. Maybe that's what taking a second chance on marriage has taught me the most. Neither one of us planned on starting over now, but having known heartache, we are more grateful for the life we now live.
Being grateful for small things is no small feat. When I work with clients, we celebrate victories of any kind because we know that little changes add up. Eating a little better, moving a little more, lifting a little heavier add up to eventual better nutrition and immunity, more mobility and more strength. Change manifests over time. It's a big challenge to take on changing ourselves and it's one of the most gratifying moments of my work with others.
So, life is interesting and challenging and after a year of massive change, we know there's more coming. If we aren't already working together, why ever not? Let's do and change our lives for good!
In January of this year, I finished up 200 hours of yoga training. After nagging injuries, job changes and more than a little help from Eric, I decided that if I can learn to teach a new genre that I should.
I had to give up the two workout formats that started my career, which was difficult, to say the least. But, it was increasingly apparent by the lack of healing and needing more time to train, that it was necessary. That decision cost me a lot of exposure as an instructor and a lot of energy, but the return has been monumental. I feel better, move better and have less wear on my body that was increasingly sore. I gained more time to spend with people, more income and more space to invest in different projects.
I still miss the excitement of teaching a big class, making videos in LA and traveling around the country presenting, and perhaps I always will. But, there are more ways to stay relevant, even in the fickle fitness industry, than trying to influence the masses. All that busyness taught me that my biggest impact is still with the people I know personally. It gave me great perspective on how conflicted it feels to be in pain but not be ready to let go. That pain helps me relate to the daily struggles that my clients face whether it's with eating habits, stressful jobs and families, or with a lack of motivation. It's been a hard lesson, but I'm so grateful for it.
The flexibility I was seeking with yoga was found by letting go of the tension I had created. I'm sure I can help others find a good place to move without pain and with consistency. If you'd like to find a way to fit some yoga, or other services, into your life, please reach out!
Precision Nutrition Level 2 Coach
I started a 12 month master coaching mentorship last April, the same month we got married, three months before moving and 6 months ago. :/ It's been an act of God that has kept my head in the game and moving forward. But, with more coaching, online and in-person, comes more opportunity to reach more people. Coaching can seem a bit nebulous and intrusive, but it's more like having a close friend help you make good choices and hold you accountable. It's full time support and guidance that isn't the run of the mill reading on the internet. It's personal and precise and it takes time.
Why on earth would I do more certifications, especially ones that take a year? Well, because like you, I want to keep changing. I want to be more skilled, tighter and stand taller in my field. I'd like to work with a wider breadth of people who need help. As I alluded to previously, this year has been a big year for me, but the goodness that we are living right now didn't start in January and it's not quite finished as I write this. It took massive amounts of small decisions over many years to get us to where we are today. It's made me realize how desperately we all need each other. And especially when we start to change the way we have lived, probably for many years, we don't just clean sweep our way to a new life. We need help making the decisions that create the habits that add up to a different life.
It has cost me a great deal to be as transparent as I am about change. And, it's also made me a much stronger person to have lived through these changes. Not every analogy is worth repeating, but I'm positive I can relate to many of the struggles that come from wanting a different life and needing help to get there.
Coaching has become a natural progression of my career as it's more evident that exercise, nutrition, behaviors, habits and results are never separated. And perfection is never the goal. But, living our best lives doesn't happen by accident or just because we have good genes. They happen on purpose as a result of how we behave. Thankfully, there are a lot of simple things we can do to make a big impact.
Click below for a small example of the coaching I do now that's just the appetizer for what's coming, and reach out when you're ready to work with me!
Training Space Changes
We've been renovating for a while and will be for the next few months, all without interrupting workouts. It's a fun challenge! New equipment, lighting and HVAC has made a big difference already. 2020 promises to be the best KLivFit year yet! :) I hope you'll stay tuned and let me know when you'd like to workout with me!