What Real Formula3 Clients Say
These are some great examples of how to keep going, how to believe in yourself and how to know that Formula3 can be an answer for you, too.
Does Food Quality Make a Difference? — TEST RESULTS
We ALL know this, but experiencing the difference makes us willing to change.
Food Lessons from Our Dogs
We can no longer ignore the reality that food is medicine. How we prescribe to it will either toxify us or heal us. We get to choose.
The Magic of March
The Magic of March represents our own ability to be better than we are now, believing that we can create something new and interesting and beautiful.
The Reason Fasting Will Work for YOU when Dieting won’t
Living in a healthy, pain-free, disease-resistant, energetic, satisfied body will be a reality for you. The only thing you need is your willingness to start.
Dreaming a Dream for You
Having hope for a good future is like fertilizer for those little dream seeds that we sow into the ground of our hearts.
Making (anytime) the best of times
Very negative experiences have the potential to teach us very positive lessons.
How to Celebrate without Sabotage
Here are 3 things to help you stay on track while living a satisfied and fulfilling life.
What's it Worth to You?
Formula3 members trusted themselves and the process enough to try something they had never tried before.
Why Exercise is Crucial to Life
Here is what exercise will do for us that is vital to living well: it makes our muscle cells more capable of using and storing sugar.
Make Formula3 Your Fall Resolution
And maybe most importantly, you’ll enjoy learning how you can live with a new rhythm around food without fear.
Why coaching works
I hope that if you’re looking for simply strategies to feel better in your body, you’ll reach out to me. I have a long history of helping women, probably a lot like yourself or someone you know, and improving their lives.
The Simplest Fat Loss Hack
We must keep addressing the need to choose healthy, life-promoting behaviors that solve lifestyle diseases within the context of caring for ourselves and others.
Why Now is the Right Time to Start
Here’s the good news: most coaching relationships don’t last forever. It’s the investment in yourself that never ends.
Creating Meals You Need (and enjoy!)
What we really want is to be satisfied with good food that meets our needs and is enjoyable so we can get on with our lives.
My Before and After Pictures
We all have the ability to feel our best and it doesn’t take hours of exercise and restrictive eating. It will take some determination to change, a desire to feel better and a willingness to be coached, but every single one of us can do that.
Five Fasting Facts that Favor Fat Loss
Fasting is a rhythmic and flexible eating frequency that maximizes our chemistry by allowing our bodies to use stored energy (why else do we store energy except to use it when we don’t eat?).