Why We Never Quit
We need fortitude and a firm belief that our efforts to change (or at the least not digress) are producing positive results without any external signal.
How to ALWAYS make a change for the better.
IF you can commit to a few small things, do them consistently and with your best effort, you will change and change for the better.
Coaching for Christmas
What we need is confirmation that our efforts aren’t wasted, that we matter to others and that our health and fitness are important to our lifespan.
When exercise lets you down.
We act as though we are all equal, as though each of our bodies are capable of the same things and all we have to do is try harder in order to become some new shape with a new future.
Be Stronger and More Courageous
If you need strength and courage to live your best life, I’m ready to stand guard for you. I’ve fought this fight for over 30 years and I’m winning it. It’s never over and usually not easy, but I know the right strategies to keep defeating my enemy. And I’m happy to share those with you. Reach out to me if you’re interested in bettering your battleground.
Exercising Division
If you haven't come to terms with daily exercise, it's time to graduate to higher-level living.
Get Back on Track
Do you have strategies to help ease the fluster in your head enough to get back on track?
Being healthy isn’t a talent. It’s a skill.
The upside of making an effort to get healthy, is that you don’t have to be perfect or even very good at it to see a difference.
I'm not busy, and I've never been better.
Unfortunately, most essential things are not screaming at us…we have to choose them. Less important things often make lots of noise but that doesn’t equate to importance.
K-Kit ~ tools and training to build your best body
If you’re ready to start living a life in a body you love, then it’s time to get K-Kit!
Enough is enough.
The more you tune into your own sense of fullness, the easier it becomes to finish and feel accomplished.
How to Make your Time Count
Instead, we can feel satisfied even when we are there yet, appreciating all the greatness in spite of the out of sync rhythms we live through and know that our days are numbered.
Happy Holidays from KLivFit!
I experienced a massive shift in my fitness because I did things differently.
Autumn & Awe
I love reflection. And autumn. It's the easiest time for us to look back, before the holidays get started in full force, but enough has happened that we have learned some lessons.
Hunger is an Advantage
Get involved in what satisfies your spirit and not just your cravings. Be at peace with food and view hunger as an advantage and a privilege of those who have more than enough.
Quit the Cravings
It’s precisely this absence of urgency and shortage that we use to remove the unquenchable drive to eat it all.