It’s Monday again.

This season of life, no matter what season you’re in, can feel very busy, overwhelming, too expensive, too little time or too many obligations. And then there’s summer coming up quickly.

And no matter what you’re feeling, it’s very likely that you feel behind. But remember this: you have room to recover.

We can all fall into the mindset of black and white realities. We’re either good or bad. Doing sumo squats or lying on the couch. Dieting or indulging. On vacation or working. In shape or out of shape. Losing or gaining.

Our real life is nothing like this, especially when it comes to our physiology. The truth is that our bodies are in a CONSTANT state of adjusting. There is no static environment because we’re living. The only time when our body is in a state of staying constant, is when we die.

Whoa. That may seem like extreme thinking. And it is but I hope I help you realize that making small, consistent but not permanent moves in the right direction are the most valuable and effect shifts we can make. If we make such an extreme move that it’s unchangeable, then we’re technically gone.

Very often, people will tell me that they just don’t want to have to adjust their thinking when it comes to taking care of food and fitness. “Just tell me what to eat and how to workout, and then I’ll do it.” But then reality kicks in and we still have to make decisions and be responsible to follow through or not. We can’t get away from being us, adapting from mistakes and successes and continuing to move toward the next challenge.

There was a time when I thought it would be a relief to work at something other than coaching, fitness, exercise, nutrition, behavior change and building a business. But after a lot of thinking, talking, coaching and journalling, I’ve realized that just because there’s a huge challenge in front of me, doesn’t mean that I’m doing it wrong or that there is something wrong with me. It’s just the challenge of change.

And the same goes for you. If you have a huge challenge with your eating and exercise habits, there’s probably nothing wrong with you except that you haven’t had enough support, structure and encouragement to get over the hurdles in front of you!

And if you’re still reading this, then it’s probably a signal that you’re ready for some help. I WILL HELP YOU CHANGE.

I see it every day with clients who haven’t been able to cross the line alone, or it’s been decades since they’ve lost weight, and then within a few weeks, they’ve changed the eating habits, exercise routines, they sleep better, their clothing fits better and they are on their way.

It really can be that simple.

We like to make things super complicated and difficult. But changing the way we eat and move is straightforward.

Let me help you. Today.

Reach out with this link and let’s get to changing:


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