How to Pass the Trust Test
Trust in yourself may seem innate, we’re born with it and we’re never unsure that we are who we say we are.
But if you’ve ever doubted that you can do something new and challenging because of the mistakes and failures you’ve had in the past, then you have a trust issue. With yourself.
Let’s take this move above as an example. If you don’t normally move this way, you may think you can’t. But if I were to show you HOW to move like this and we practice each step of the movement, you would be able to do it. You may not feel comfortable or like it or want to keep doing it, but you could physically do it. Then, if you didn’t stop practicing, eventually you would discover new benefits of doing a move like this and then it would become a consistent part of your workout. And like all good and valuable things, it takes time and practice.
Trusting yourself is built the same way physical strength is, by repetition. You practice getting stronger each time you lift weights. You practice elevating your heart rate and breathing every time you cycle or run or sprint or climb stairs. And over time and repetition, you become competent and better at what you practice.
Trusting yourself to try new things when you have years of repeated failures around a goal like weight loss or fitness can make you think that you’re broken.
Instead, the REALITY of your failures is that you have learned what DOES NOT WORK for you.
Maybe you’ve tried bars and shakes and pills that dropped pounds off the scale, but you didn’t get to eat meals with your family and friends, and as soon as you did, you started gaining pounds back with no visible reset.
This repeated pattern that is so very common, will leave you hedging and questioning reality when offered a new solution that sounds good in every way. But, then you remember the last time you made an investment and were emotionally driven to succeed and then failed. Again, and again and maybe even again.
Most women who apply to the Formula3 program have tried to live a healthy life by losing extra fat and then tried not to gain it back. But they have been unsuccessful. So sometimes, when we sit down and they hear how healing their metabolism by eating normal foods but in different ways will work long term for them, it sounds too good to be true.
We think that there’s no way that just changing our meal timing will actually change our physiology. But, I’m happy to report, it does actually work. And there are millions of examples of real, live people who live it out each day. In fact, here are a few success stories close to home:
Unfortunately, you may be thinking to yourself, “That’s great for them, but I’m different. It won’t work for me. I can’t do what they did. I’m not able to give myself the time and attention and investment because of how my life runs. I can’t afford it in any way.” This, my friends, is evidence of you not trusting yourself.
So how do you get over that hill? By passing small tests of trust when practicing a new skill you’re not good at yet. Just like building responsibility is a result of being responsible with small things, building trust with yourself comes from practical repetition.
Thankfully, Formula3 is a 12 week course (or longer if you want to continue working together). In theory, I could make some educational videos, you could listen to them or read some of the books on the subject, and get all you need. In reality, you need practice. You need support. You need repetition with some trust tests to build your confidence again. This is how we break down the habits and skills to work on fasting for up to 72 hours, exercising 4-6 times/week, improving cooking practices, lowering chronic stress levels, sleeping soundly and maybe most importantly, forgiving yourself for not knowing how to do this already, perfectly.
Sometimes, women tell me that they love the sound of working together and that Formula3 sounds like a perfect fit, but then they won’t step over the line and join. Almost all the time, the reason they can’t see themselves working together is because they don’t trust themselves to get the full value of the investment. Their past is dictating their future. In their minds, they just can’t. No amount of cajoling will change their vision of what 3 months of work will look like. All the examples in the world won’t change their minds that they are the exception.
Maybe you have felt the same. I know I sure have. I’ve been in several situations where I have a problem I can’t fix and the business is offering me a solution that sounds great, but my past experiences tell me that this current offer is just as bogus as all the others that haven’t worked. I feel like I’m being duped by slick sales language that won’t deliver. I don’t trust that the sales funnel, customer retention models and automation programs will be worth it. And I’ve spent thousands of dollars on many programs that support my belief of failure.
The difference between you and me is that your success is strictly dependent on your effort but with my support and system. It’s not a question of whether or not meal timing and exercise and support will work. It does. Period. It’s solely based on you trusting yourself enough to pass some small and progressive tests to change your habits.
And the beautiful truth is that you are trustworthy. Deep down, you know your can do it because you’ve done lots of hard things before. Changing eating and exercise habits, while not simple all the time, are not the hardest mountains to climb. You’re fully capable, you just need to remember how to believe again.
This is your best time to change. If you’re still reading this, it’s time. Reply, message or call me to start today.