How to Use Seasons to Your Advantage

In the midwest were I live, we have four distinct seasons. We all have opinions, favorites and strong feelings about which is best or worst, and especially in each particular season, what we like or not. In many ways, we look for the seasons to help us change, like they do. We often think:

In the spring, “I’ll have more motivation.”

In the summer, “I’ll have more free time.”

In the fall, “I’ll be more organized.”

In the winter, “I’ll be able to focus on me more.”.

How many times have we pushed off prioritizing even the smallest of important things because of other reasons? So many times, I’ve lost count.

Because I work, live and breath in the wellness space, you may mistakingly think that “it’s easy for me” to take care of myself. Nothing could be more false. I still have to decide to exercise, eat nourishing foods, go to sleep on time, wake up early enough to have some quiet time, grocery shop, cook, plan, clean; all the things.

What is easy for me is having experienced many of the tremendous benefits of working on my health, so there’s no question in my mind that spending time, energy and money in that pursuit is worthwhile. You may still have the lingering question inside, even when you know deep down, your health is crucial to your longevity. But often, living long is so far away from our thoughts that it’s not urgent enough for us to act on it.

What does come around often enough are seasonal changes. And we can use these 3 month periods of time to set short term goals that we’re willing to engage in.

Not surprisingly, I have seen definite seasonal surges and dips when women are ready and willing to work with me on their health and fitness. I know it’s not because it’s not valuable or important or necessary or impactful. It’s a seasonal thing. We’re ready for changes at different moments in our calendars and we aren’t the only ones we have to consider when making decisions about schedules, time commitments and money. So, there’s logic behind it.

But here’s where I’m going to make a correction in your thinking. Logic is not where you make your best decisions. Your left brain is wired for pros and cons, right and wrong, plus and minus results.

But where you live, inside your body, mind and spirit, is right brained. It’s creative, emotional, excitable and driven. This is where you make decisions about improving yourself. Because, if it were just a logical, black and white argument, there would be no stopping you from making BIG changes in your life. But it’s not.

Why is this important? Because when you understand that your emotions and all the right side brain activity can work FOR you instead of against you, you will make life-long changes. BUT, you need your left brain to tell you to do it. You need your decision maker that lives “in the real world” to tell you that it’s ok to make a decision for yourself because you’re excited about it, and want it and need it and it will make you happier and feel better.

Without your left brain telling you it’s ok, you’ll excuse away all those right brain reasons for jumping into work on yourself. You’ll explain away the desire you have to feel comfortable when you sit down in jeans. You’ll think it’s silly to want to like the way you look in the mirror. You’ll brush off the idea that having more body fat than you need hurts you. Your right brain, the side that you need to have a vibrant, engaging spirit, is trying to tell you things that are vital to your life.

I hope you’ll listen to her because she’s my girl. That right side brain of yours gets in community and people love her. She explodes with energy and enthusiasm, but when she’s alone, she wants to feel the same on the outside that people know her to be on the inside.

I can help you. I’ve helped so many women like you. And if you can take advantage of our upcoming seasonal change into summer and choose to make THIS the season of change for you, there will be no turning back to the past. I will show you how to sustain your change, so that no matter what calendar season we’re in, you’ll feel your best.

Reach me at or to get started.


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